"The Internet Issues That Matter to Me!"

Submit Your Video!

Greetings. As per the blog entry discussing this experiment, please submit your videos using the eyejot applet to the left (this requires a recent version of Adobe Flash on your system).

If you left-click the "Play" button, you should see and hear a short (21 seconds) video clip that verifies your audio output level and video playback capabilities.

When you're ready to record your video, make sure that your webcam and microphone are connected, then left-click on "Reply" followed by "Reply anonymously." You will then need to grant the applet mic/camera access permissions to continue.

If there are video or audio problems, right-click (control-click for a one-button-mouse Mac) on the applet, then left-click on "Settings" to open up a panel for selections of specific audio/video devices and other parameters. Mac users with internal (built-in) cameras may need to do this to select them.

You should see your camera video and an indication of audio levels. Simply left-click "Rec" and let 'er rip! Left-click "Stop" when finished. You can stop/play/record as many times as desired to preview your recorded video. When you're satisifed, left-click on "Send" to transmit the finished submission.

Individual videos are limited to 60 seconds, but you can submit as many videos as desired. In your video, you can remain completely anonymous, identify yourself by first name, full name, handle, or whatever. Hell, wear a mask if you want. Please give some idea of your location unless you're seriously paranoid. If you mention particular ISP issues, please be sure to name the ISP and city involved. I will likely chuckle over any obscene material received, but such submissions will not otherwise be used.

By submitting a video, you are granting me permission to use your video in whole or part for the purposes of the experiment, including compilation with other videos and public display, without any compensation for you, other than the knowledge that you've helped with an effort that will hopefully have some positive effects.

IMPORTANT: Assuming that you're comfortable doing so, I'd appreciate it if you'd consider leaving your name, e-mail address, and any notes in the form below (enter text then click on "SEND MESSAGE"). This data will only be used to associate you with your video submission, so that I can communicate with you as appropriate.

Thanks very much for your participation!

Lauren Weinstein

OPTIONAL: Name, E-Mail Address, Notes, etc.
Be sure to click "SEND MESSAGE" when done!

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