Lauren's Blog

Network Neutrality Squad

People for Internet Responsibility

Lauren Weinstein

Lauren is co-founder of PFIR - People For Internet Responsibility, co-founder and moderator of NNSquad - Network Neutrality Squad -- and the founder of the PRIVACY Forum. He created the PRIVACY Forum in 1992, and has been involved with Internet and other technology issues for over 40 years, including at the first site on the ARPANET (the ancestor of the Internet), which was located at UCLA.

His focus is both policy and engineering issues related to the Internet, privacy, the interaction of technology with society, and a range of other areas.

Lauren is widely quoted regarding such matters by newspaper, magazine, and other articles.  He participates in numerous radio and television news programs, talk shows, and other venues where these important issues are under discussion.

Lauren on the way to the office

Lauren's BLOG

Lauren has hosted DayThink audio features, Fact Squad Radio, and authored the satire/commentary Reality Reset columns.

He has been a frequent commentator on the "Morning Edition" program from NPR (National Public Radio), and a columnist for Wired News.

Lauren is a member of the ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) Committee on Computers and Public Policy, and has consulted to Google.

Lauren is based in Los Angeles.

Contact information:

Lauren Weinstein

Tel: +1 (818) 225-2800



By request on need to know basis